What is Sun gazing?
Why practice Sun gazing Surya yoga (Surya = Sun) is the highest yoga and the fastest path to union according to Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, as he wrote: "Surya yoga includes all: worship, wisdom, empowerment as well as purity, activity and devotion, the light and the...
Why yoga is not a physical exercise
Why yoga is not another physical exercise Today, many people prefer yoga classes because they have the impression that it is a gentle "workout" or an alternative exercise. Few of today's practitioners have understood that true Yoga is a holistic system that helps us...
Exhalation, the key to proper breathing
Very often, during a yoga class we hear the instruction "take a deep breath". In our daily life also, when we experience moments of stress and anxiety, we again hear people recommending us to "take deep breaths". But what does this really mean? … First we will need to...
Western Science meets the Wisdom of Yoga
In recent years, Western science has been led with "mathematical" precision on the path that Yoga and other Eastern philosophies have described for centuries for a better quality of life and self-awareness. "Every thought counts. Your thoughts change your body" The...